Colossians 1:16 can help answer this question better than anything or anyone. It says: 16 All things were created in him. He created everything in heaven and on earth. He created everything that can be seen and everything that can’t be seen. He created kings, powers, rulers and authorities. All things have been created by him and for him.(NIRV) In other words, we are here because God wanted us to be here. He holds all power because he created everything. Of course this does not mean he physically created everything, but what he did do was create man and provided him with knowledge.
Don't think for a moment that you are here of your own free will. That tugging on your spirit that made you decide it was time to join this church didn't happen by chance. It happened because you were chosen. Jesus Christ declared long ago, 16 You did not choose me. Instead, I chose you. I appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit that will last. I also appointed you so that the Father will give you what you ask for. He will give you whatever you ask for in my name. 17 Here is my command. Love one another. (John 15:16) (NIRV)
With a clear understanding of God's power and the love of Jesus Christ, lets begin your virtual spiritual journey.
SALVATION (John 3:1-8; Romans 10:9)
Knowing that you are here because God created everything and that it was not your choice, but because Jesus Christ chose you, it is important to know about SALVATION.
Salvation comes from the root word "save". Salvation is simply the deliverance from the power and penalty of sin; redemption. Can you think of some reasons why salvation is important? (Write them down - you may need them later). A better question is, Is it possible to lose your salvation? (John 10:28-30)
The Plan of Salvation is found in Romans 10:9. Read this scripture and then answer the question, "Are you saved?"
Now that you understand what Salvation is, can you answer the question, "Are you sanctified?" Lets start with the definition. Sanctification, which comes from the root word "sanctify" means to "make holy or set apart." In one sense, only God is holy (Isaiah 6:3) and he is separate and distinct. No other humen being or thing shares the holiness of God's essential nature. There is only ONE God! Another word for a holy person is "saint" (hagios [agio]), meaning a sanctified one. Now ask yourself, how does being sanctified fit into your day to day life? What about your church life?
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